We have a new home!... testpad.com

We have a new home!... testpad.com

We have a new home!... testpad.com

Testpad's home domain has moved to "testpad.com" after more than 10 years at "ontestpad.com". Here's what that means for customers.


By Stef

December 11, 2022

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s of today, Testpad is now hosted at testpad.com after over a decade at the similar but always somewhat confusing "ontestpad.com". The switch to the new domain is automatic and happens when you next visit Testpad. If you have any links to the old domain laying around, for example, stashed in a wiki or in the comments of a Jira issue perhaps, these links will also automatically redirect to the new domain.

Impact on customers

The switch to the new domain is automatic and happens either when you change page within Testpad (if you were already logged in), or simply when you return to the main website to login again.

If you were logged in, and go to change page in the app somewhere, you will find yourself having to login again. This happens because your session is tied to a cookie, and your cookies are tied to your domain. So when we changed up the domain on you, you won't have a session cookie anymore and therefore have to login again to continue. Testpad does remember where you were trying to go however, so it should be as seamless as remembering your password!

Links to reports etc

Any existing links that are "out there" will obviously have the old domain in them and should seamlessly to the new home. There's no time limit on this, we'll simply support old links indefinitely.

Similarly for guest test invitations, new user invitations, account sign-up verifications and so on: they should all seamlessly


All Testpad emails are also switching over to use the new domain, so please expect Testpad emails to come from "support@testpad.com" from now on. Of course, the old email addresses will still work, so again, no rush to update.


Testpad always wanted to be hosted on its brand name .com of course, but when I started Testpad in 2010, it wasn't available. I could have started the business with a different name, but despite trying hard, I couldn't come up with a name that so perfectly encapsulates what Testpad is all about. So I went with Testpad and settled for the domain "ontestpad.com".

Why "ontestpad.com" in the first place? Well, when you signup and get an account, your account is hosted on a subdomain, giving you a Testpad address of "yourname.ontestpad.com"... "yourname".. on Testpad... geddit?

However, while that appealed to the nerd in me, I'm not sure how many folks out there also appreciated it. And of course, for people looking for this testing tool they've been told about called "Testpad", there's always the question when they find "ontestpad.com" of whether they've found it yet or not.

Fast-forward to 2022 and, with the help of our friend Adam at Lumis, we finally managed to engage the previous owner of "testpad.com" and negotiate its purchase. I'm not publishing numbers here, but let's just say it wasn't cheap. A cool simple two-word .com like "testpad" was never going to be cheap! But it was a great investment and secures the brand name for the great things we have planned for 2023.


All except for this blog that is!

The blog is staying put at blog.ontestpad.com until the launch of our new marketing website in early 2023.

As ever, any issues with this domain change, or anything else, please don't hestitate to email us on support@testpad.com. Happy Testing!

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