Testpad - Outline Editor

One of the many scripts used to test Testpad. Exploratory in style but listing the main behaviours ensures they are visited during testing.

First row, new script Search Results
start a new script, focus should be ready on first empty case
clicking on case area when there are no cases creates and focuses one
pressing ENTER when there are no cases creates and focuses one
Saving changes
edit a case, press escape to de-focus, reload page, change should be persisted
edit a case, move focus up or down, reload page, change should be persisted
edit a case, click on script title area, reload page, change should be persisted
Focus control
pressing enter when a case is selected (not focused) puts focus on that case
pressing enter when a case is focused starts a new case below
pressing shift-enter when a case is focused starts a new case above
Ctrl-enter puts a new line inside a case
new case gets an ID in the left-hand column
select several rows, pressing enter should reduce the selection and focus on the last selected case
cursor left/right on focus moves the caret, limited to the case input field
cursor left/right with no focus, and with run selected, moves run selection (need a few runs to see)
cursor left/right with nothing selected selects first/last run
cursor up/down moves selected case
cursor up/down with multiple rows selected reduces selection to one row above/below the last selected row
cursor up/down with no case selected (press escape a few times) puts focus on first row
press and hold cursor down, starting with a focus'd row; focus should stay with selection
tab indents case
tab can't indent if already indented
tab can't indent first case
tab can't indent after six levels deep
shift-tab outdents
outdenting a case moves existing children with it
outdenting picks up old siblings as new children
outdenting when already at the left margin is ignored
Keyboard shortcuts
Alt-M displays case details dialog with focus on the case text itself
Alt-T displays case details dialog with focus on the tags field
Alt-N (when not editing a case) shows case details dialog with focus on the notes field
Alt-R shows the test run details dialog for the current run
Alt-R when there are no test runs shows an empty (no run selected) version of the dialog
Alt-X starts/continues the test run (shows the test run dialog)
Space (when not editing a case) expands/collapses a case group
Escape when editing a case defocuses it, saving it, and leaves it selected
Escape when cases are selected deselects them
Escape when a dialog is open with focus in a field drops the focus from the field
Escape when a dialog is open with no focus in a field closes(saves) the dialog
Ctrl/Cmd - Z performs the next Undo action, flashing the script menu to show "it heard"
Drag and drop
brief click on already selected row ignored
long click fades selection out, ready for move
insert position shown when mouse moved out of current selection
insert position hides when mouse moved back inside current selection
dropping inside current selection ignored
dropping on insert position works as advertised
insert position shows count of rows that will be moved
dragging a selection of just one parent row includes children in count and the move
dragging a multiple selection with only partial selections of children include all children
dragging outside of the case table ignored
insert positions restricted to as-sibling and as-child options only
edit a case, edit menu undo shows "undo edit case", undo works
move a case, edit menu shows "undo case move", undo works
delete a case, edit menu shows "undo delete case", undo works
edit case tags, edit menu shows "undo edit tags", undo works
edit case notes, edit menu shows "undo edit notes", undo works
set a result, edit menu shows "undo test result", undo works
move a multiple selection, edit menu shows "undo move N cases", undo works
delete a multiple selection, edit menu shows "undo delete N cases", undo works
indent a case, edit menu shows "undo case indent", undo works
outdent a case, edit menu shows "undo case outdent", undo works
perform several changes, undo walks back through the history
move a multiple selection upwards within the same parent, order preserved on the undo
move a multiple selection downwards within the same parent, order preserved on the undo
import cases, edit menu shows "undo import cases"
can't undo's
new test run
delete test run
edit script name
edit script description
edit scripts report comments
use menu option to open import dialog
flat list of cases appended without structure
newly appended cases are selected immediately after the import
view jumps down to show new cases
open import dialog again; should be empty
add cases with a consistent indent pattern; import; new cases structure as per indents
new import; add cases with inconsistent indent pattern; import; cases added with structure as per (normalised) indents
Export flat list of cases as text
Export structured list of cases; text cases have indents accordingly
Export text window can be selected, copied and pasted elsewhere
Export structured list of cases, no results, as CSV; CSV opens in Excel with correct data
Export cases with results as CSV; open in Excel; all data present
Empty result columns export as CSV ok
Sparse result columns export as CSV ok
Issues and comments against results export as CSV ok
Case notes and tags export as CSV ok
Custom fields and their run values export ok
Custom fields with no run values export ok
Multiple selections
click and drag on a previously unselected case makes a multiple selection
shift click extends selection from current to clicked case
shift up/down extends/contracts selection
ctrl/cmd click selectively adds cases to the selection, non-coniguously
shift-click after a ctrl-click extends from the last added case
all rows of a multiple selection indented
selection of parent and some children moves parent without changing children
non-contiguous selection only applies indent to parents, all children move with parents
all rows outdented
selection of parent and some children moves parent without changing children
non-contiguous selection only applies outdent to parents, all children move with parents
all selected rows deleted
unselected children (with parent selected) survive
move (ctrl-up/down)
selected rows moved one row at a time as a block
non-contiguous selections become contiguous and move to before or after the first/last row
moving blocks up add them as siblings of the previous row
moving blocks down add them as siblings if no children
moving blocks down add them as first child if children already exist
moved blocks stay in order
moved blocks, where they start non-contiguous, remain in relative order
Script name and description
Script->settings menu option opens script settings dialog
Double click on script name opens script settings dialog
Double click on script description text opens script settings dialog
edit script name and save; main script page title changes
script name in Testpad menu -> jump to script also changes
edit script description and save; changes show on main page
short description displays in entirety
long description clipped and displayed on mouse click
edit script name and reload before saving, edit is discarded
set script name to blank and save; settings dialog stays open with error message
blank description works fine
punctuation characters work fine in script name
punctuation characters work fine in description
unicode characters display fine (case notes have tips)
unicode escape sequences stay as they are
html code in name/description stays as it is
javascript code in name/description stays as it is, benign
Case links
URL hash part changes as case selection moved up and down
URL with hash loads straight to the named case
browser history does not accumulate each hash number, i.e. back still goes to previous page, not previous case
Script case lock
Open script settings dialog, lock cases (left hand lock) and save; padlock shows near script title
Case text colour goes grey
Clicking on cases just selects them, doesn't focus them
Drag and drop doesn't work
Copy and paste doesn't work
Delete doesn't work
Tab and Shift-Tab don't work
Import cases doesn't work
Alt-M, edit, save - doesn't save tags
Alt-M, edit, save - doesn't save notes
Script release lock
Open script settings dialog, lock the script for testing (right hand lock) and save; padlock near test runs shows
new test run button not displayed
Run header popup menu now says "view" not "edit" details
Run headers popup menu doesn't show delete this run
Clicking on fields on the RHS of run details flashes up message saying locked; can't edit
Can't change "test can be run by" drop down
Can't change inprogress slider
Can send email with link to run the test
Can view 2d barcode
Can use the run header's popup menu to Run this test
Results can be set to pass/fail/blocked etc (i.e. testing works)
Test run can finish, which does change state from inprogress to completed
Can't re-open
Can't start a retest
window resizing
case column resizing
dialog movement
multiple dialog layering
scrolling with <10 cases
scrolling with >100 cases
one run column
several run columns
>10 run columns and scrolling

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