Testpad opens its doors; give it a whirl!

Testpad opens its doors; give it a whirl!

Testpad opens its doors; give it a whirl!

Testpad enters its beta phase, and your feedback is essential in refining this testing tool. Join the beta program, use Testpad for free, and share your valuable thoughts to help shape its future development.


By Stef

September 13, 2011

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fter 8 months of building, including several months of limited field trials with forgiving friends, Testpad is now 'in Beta' and ready for feedback from a wider audience. Hooray!

It won't be perfect, that's why we're keeping it in Beta, but it's pretty good and needs some real-world use to put it through its paces.

We're going to keep Testpad free during the beta and then, when the pricing plans start, give a discount to beta customers who've sent us useful feedback.

So come on in; Sign Up for a free beta account and tell us what you think! (OK, not everything you're thinking, just the thoughts that might help us improve Testpad)

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