Testpad - Mobile Phone Interface

One of the scripts used to test the mobile interface for running tests on Testpad. Illustrates how terse test descriptions can be and yet still be useful; obviously assumes the tester has familiarity with product.

QR code to test run
guest user
On laptop, on script page, open run details, assign to Guest, and send a guest test invite to yourself
access the link from the mobile and click on it
run details page loads, no login required
edit URL to a different run ID, login page is shown
edit URL to a different auth code, error page is shown
re-click on the emailed link, run details pages loads again
touch 'start' or 'continue' in the top right
test cases load, first untested is selected
pass works
fail works
blocked works
query works
skip works
setting an issue works
setting a comment works
clear all works
back on run details back, guest can set INPROGRESS to COMPLETED
but can't change COMPLETED once set
use laptop to reopen the run to INPROGRESS, reload on the mobile and run is INPROGRESS again
touch on 'start' or 'continue' and pass all tests
after the last result is set, a message is displayed saying run completed
no option shown to re-open
'done' button goes back to run details which also shows 'COMPLETED' as status
refresh on laptop shows results have all been recorded
admin user
On laptop, on a script page, open run details dialog, assign to self (or an admin), and click 'show barcode'
barcode loads and displays beside run details dialog
barcode scans from a mobile and loads the run details page (no login required)
top left button is 'logout'
the run details are for the right run
the barcode on a different run loads the chosen run
'start' or 'continue' in the top right load the test cases, with first untested scrolled into view
'done' goes back to run details
'start' or 'continue' goes back again to the case list
reload the page (tap status bar and then the refresh icon in the URL window) reloads the run details page
edit the URL to /manageScripts; script list page loads or login page loads (need to check TODO!)
QR code to mobile login
On laptop, projects page, clicking on QR code in the left-hand panel displays QR code
code scans from mobile and loads the login page
successful login goes to project list page
click on login link on brochure home page, top right
URL address bar disappears after load
blank details fail
blank email fails
blank password fails
correct credentials, goes to script list page
logout button goes back to login page
editing the URL to /manageScripts after the logout stays on the login page
landscape layout works
Project, list of scripts
scripts shown in a plain list
URL address bar not visible
script list is scrollable, header bar stays visible
no archived scripts are showing
touch on a script list; script row highlights and screen shows 'loading...' and script details slide into view for the right script
'back' on the script details page slides off the script details to reveal the script list again
previous script is not highlighted anymore
touch another script; highlights and loads
'back' goes back to script list again
empty list draws OK
landscape layout works
Script Details
load the script details page for a script
URL address bar not visible
page shows script title
page shows description
page shows scripts total progress in a bar and with text summary counts
script with no runs, shows empty progress bar, no runs and zeroes in the text summary
landscape view works OK for script with no runs
script with runs, all unstarted, shows list of runs underneath an empty/zeroed progress bar
landscape view works OK for script with no runs, all unstarted
script with runs, with testing underway, shows summary progress, and individual progress per run
landscape view works OK for script with runs, testing underway
list of runs is scrollable, script heading stays visible
list of runs scrollable in landscape view
runs show only the displayed fields (in the laptop view, field edit dialog, fields ticked "show")
runs show custom field values in their list of details
runs select and load if touched, page shows loading..., run details slide into view
'back' button slides off run details back to script details
'back' button again, slides off script details back to script list
select a script, loading, and back on script details page
unicode characters in script title, description and run details all display fine
'refresh' button reloads the page
make changes to run progress, script title etc on the laptop; touch 'refresh' and see changes load
Run details
URL address bar not visible
Run progress shown at the top
Run status shows IN PROGRESS for an uncompleted run
Scrollable list of run details visible
All run fields shown, including hidden fields (those not ticked 'show' in the laptop field edit dialog)
'back' button goes back to script details
selecting run comes back again
landscape view works OK
touching 'start' button loads the test cases
touching 'done' slides back to run details page
run status can be manually set to COMPLETED
'start' button in top right now says 'view'
touching 'view' loads test cases, but with just the finished and re-open buttons visible
'done' goes back to run details, status is still COMPLETED
'back' goes back to script details
selecting the same run shows run still COMPLETED
refresh on the laptop for this script and open this run's run details shows it as COMPLETED status
run status can be put back to IN PROGRESS (on the mobile)
refresh on the laptop shows run is back to IN PROGRESS (give it 2 seconds or so, mobile ajax is slow)
'view' button on the mobile is now back to 'start'
touching 'start' loads test cases with pass/fail buttons visible
touch 'start' on the run details page; testing page loads and slides on
after test cases load, the first untested case is selected and scrolled into view
landscape view works for case list, still scrollable, buttons relayout
test cases can be scrolled, scroller bounces at the ends of the list
test cases can be selected by tapping; selected cases scroll gently to a position 1/3 down the view port
tap on a case with case notes and touch the 'notes' button in the top right
list view is swapped for the case notes view
landscape view works for case notes
tap on the 'notes' button (which should now be highlighted) and list view is swapped back again
'notes' button unhighlights and current case is scrolled into view if not already visible
tap on a case without any case notes and touch 'notes' button
empty case notes view shown
tap on the 'notes' button, list view comes back
Result recording
refresh the laptop page for the script/run on the mobile ui to confirm its starting state
touch 'pass', a green tick is shown against the test case and the selection advances, with small scroll animation
touch 'fail', a red cross is shown, selection advances
touch 'blocked', a grey hash is shown, selection advances
touch 'query', a magenta question mark is shown, selection advances
touch 'skip', a grey wide dash is shown, selection advances
refresh the laptop page (watch for slow arrival of last one or two results) to confirm results all recorded
confirm none of these results have issues or comments set against them
enter a comment and press 'pass'
enter an issue and press 'fail'
enter a comment and an issue and press 'blocked'
refresh laptop and confirm the last three have comments and issues as entered
touch 'clear all'; prompt appears to confirm really clear all results
choose 'cancel'; prompt removed
touch 'pass' to confirm testing can continue
touch 'clear all'; prompt appears again
choose 'OK'; test results for this run are cleared and selection scrolls back to the top
refresh on the laptop to confirm test run has been reset
Visiting modes
visiting mode on 'untested'
select an early test case and touch 'pass'
confirm next case jumps over failed results
confirm next case jumps over blocked results
confirm next case jumps over queried results
confirm next case jumps over skipped results
confirm next case jumps over passed results
confirm next case jumps over parent rows (group headings)
confirm next case jumps over comment rows (cases that start //)
confirm next case jumps over filtered rows (tags in case not matching tags in run details)
confirm next case lands on first blank test result
visiting mode set to 'blocked and untested'
select an early case and touch 'pass'
confirm next case jumps over failed results
confirm next case jumps over queried results
confirm next case jumps over skipped results
confirm next case jumps over passed results
confirm next case lands on blocked results
confirm next case lands on blank results
visiting mode set to 'every test not passed'
confirm next case jumps over passed results
confirm next case lands on any other result value
visiting mode set to 'every test'
confirm next case only skips group headings, comments and filtered rows
Installed on homescreen
Script list link
the login page reached from the manageScripts barcode can be installed on the homescreen
testpad icon
launching icon shows testpad splash screen
login page loads every time
Test run link
the run details page reached from a QR code link can be installed to homescreen
testpad icon
launching shows the test run details page, no login required (until token expires, but can't test that yet)
test case view adapts to extra space at the bottom of the page
load a script details page, use laptop to delete the script, 'refresh' on the mobile, get error message
load the run details page, use laptop to delete the run, set INPROGRESS to COMPLETED, get error message
load the run details page, use laptop to delete the run, touch 'start', get error message
load the test cases page, use laptop to delete a test case, try to 'pass' that case, get error message
load the test cases page, turn airplane mode on, try to 'pass' a test, get error message
Brochure pages (zoomed out)

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