Testpad adds iPhone/iPad support for test cases

Testpad adds iPhone/iPad support for test cases

Testpad adds iPhone/iPad support for test cases

Testpad's latest update allows seamless delegation of testing tasks to your own iPhone or iPad, as well as colleagues and guests. This feature enhances your mobile device's usability as a remote control for Testpad, simplifying the process of passing, failing, querying, and commenting on tests, making testing more efficient and freeing up your main screen for other tasks.


By Stef

October 10, 2011

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ig update to Testpad yesterday. You can now 'delegate' testing to your own iPhone or iPad, as well as friends, co-workers and guests. It makes your mobile a remote control for Testpad that let's you pass, fail, query and comment on tests. I've found running Testpad's own tests on an iPad a really natural way to run through a test script, much like holding a clipboard and ticking off items as you go.

Ipad Snap

Iphone Snap

Frees up your main display

Perhaps the biggest difference this feature makes is that it frees up the big screen for other duties and cuts down on switching windows every time you want to record a result or read the next test. My iPad (and iPhone) sit idle on my desk a lot, so it seems to make a lot of sense to take advantage of them; they're basically spare input devices.

Seamless handover with QR codes and auto-login

Once a test script is ready for testing (written using a big screen and keyboard), I've tried to make it easy to get going on a mobile. You've basically got two choices: either scan a QR code (a 2D barcode) which instantly loads the link, or email yourself a link that you click on from your mobile's email client. Either way, the embedded link includes an authorisation token, so you don't even have to enter a username and password. It takes you straight to the relevant test script, ready for testing.

Testing Testpad with Testpad

Having the option to drive testing from a touchscreen has always been the plan for Testpad (and hence its name in fact), yet even I was surprised just how convenient it was to use on Testpad's own tests. Testing Testpad with Testpad, juggling test accounts, and remembering which browser is logged in where can all get quite complicated! So it's a huge benefit to put the test script on its own screen (the iPad) and leave the app under test (Testpad, but logged into a temporary account) on the big screen.

Of course, I'm biased. Try it for yourself - it has to be seen (touched? felt?) to be believed!

You can sign up here to give it a try. As always, feedback welcome.

Green square with white check

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