Testpad is ready for business

Testpad is ready for business

Testpad is ready for business

Testpad has officially launched its pricing plans, focusing on the number of active scripts rather than the number of users, making it flexible for testing teams of all sizes. Join the journey of continuous improvement as Testpad evolves, and explore its affordable pricing options tailored to your testing needs.


By Stef

November 21, 2011

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'm really excited to announce that Testpad today finished its beta phase and launched the pricing plans.

Many thanks to all of you who sent in feedback during the beta. The comments and suggestions have been really helpful in shaping Testpad so far. And please keep your comments coming! Even though Testpad has now launched officially, that doesn't mean we're going to stop making it better and better.

Testpad's pricing plans start at $29/month and are based on the number of active scripts an account is maintaining, rather than the number of users. The idea is that you shouldn't feel at all restricted in how many people you involve in testing, whether it's just one engineer, a whole test team, or a flexible mixture of testers and engineers.

We're starting with the three plans listed on https://ontestpad.com/plans. If you have any questions about how these will work, or if these sizes don't suit your situation, then please send me an email via support@ontestpad.com, I'm sure we can work something out.

UPDATE 19 Apr 2012: Testpad now has a $FREE plan and paid plans starting at $9/user/month in addition to the original script bundle plans

Testpad is using FastSpring's SaaSy service for payment processing. They have a superb customer service team with a great response rate; if you are building an online product and are looking for a payment solution, it's definitely worth checking them out. Also, watch for a longer blog post about my experiences integrating a billing solution.

Meanwhile, good luck with your testing!

Sign up here to give Testpad a try - free.

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