Structure Example - Traditional Test Cases

Testpad is designed for free-form test descriptions and does not provide rigid field structures. However, where more traditional test cases are desired, simple conventions can be applied. This example script serves to illustrate some of the possibilities for how teams might organise more traditional test cases.

Test Case 1
step 1
step 2
step 3
expected outcome 1
expected outcome 2
Test Case 2
// step 1 (note: rows prefixed with // are treated as non-test rows and do not collect a pass/fail result during a test run)
// step 2
// step 3
expected outcome 1
expected outcome 2
Test Case 3
step 1 and verify this
step 2 and verify that
step 3 and verify something else
step 4 and check this and that
Test Case 4
// steps displayed in Notes field, only visible to testers
expected outcome 1
expected outcome 2
expected outcome 3
Test Case 5
with: some precondition
where: this condition
and where: that condition
verify: expectation 1
verify: expectation 2

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