Release notes for minor update (4.1.110)

Release notes for minor update (4.1.110)

Release notes for minor update (4.1.110)

Release notes for a collection of small updates and tweaks, including bug fixes, reacting to customer feedback, and miscellaneous tweaks to keep Testpad running smoothly.


By Stef

June 15, 2020

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his weekend, we upgraded Testpad with a collection of small updates and tweaks. Some bug fixes. Some customer suggestions. Some adjustments to keep Testpad running smoothly. The changes touched on reporting features, mobile image attachments, subscription options and keyboard shortcuts. As ever, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to write in on support@testpad.com – even if we're not about to give you exactly what you're asking for, the feedback and discussion around what you're trying to do is immensely useful and 100% shapes the direction Testpad takes in the future.

Reporting: new option to include old test runs

The report config settings (found at the top right of a report page) have a new option to include Old Runs. Old test runs are test runs that have been superseded by a newer retest. See using retests to go from build to build for more details on what retests are.

Previously, old test runs were only accessible on the script-editing page with a right-click on the test run header and selecting the Show Old Runs option. But now you've got the option to also include old runs in reports.

So if you use retesting a lot, and want a report that captures the history of how you got to the final status, open a report, head up to the top right config button, and turn Old Runs to ON.

Throughout your reports, if included, old runs will be shown as greyed out to indicate their "old" status. This includes in the summary section at the top of folder reports, in the grids of test run columns per script, and in the comment summary sections below each script.

Reporting: new option for XL column widths

And in another tweak to the report config: an XL column width option. If you ever use long values in your run headers, and if you don't have too many run columns, you can now set the display width of the test run columns in script reports to be extra wide.

This option is really only useful if you've got a wide display. If the browser gets too narrow (e.g. by making it small or viewing on a smaller device) then the XL setting will be ignored and Testpad will do its best to display your data with the space available - as before.

Mobile: attach images during testing

You can now use the mobile UI to view and attach images to test results. Support for this will depend on your mobile and browser, but modern iPhone and Android devices should work.

If you're not familiar or aware of the mobile UI, it's a really neat way to run your testing. From your desktop, you can display a QR code for one of your test run columns, scan it with your mobile, and then instantly begin running that test run on your mobile.

New subscription option: the "Team 15" plan

We've added a new subscription option for a 15-user team that sits between the existing Team and Department plans.

If your Testpad team grows above 10, you now don't have to make the big jump to paying for 25 users when you only needed e.g. 12.

We haven't updated the pricing page on the website, but the new plan is listed as an option in the app on the Subscriptions and Billing page.


New keyboard shortcut: ALT + for new test runs

By popular request, we've added a new keyboard shortcut for making new test runs. Hit ALT = (but think Alt-Plus) to create a new test run column.

As for the normal way to make a new test run (clicking the New Test Run button), you might be interrupted with a prompt checking you really do want a new test run. And this is because you might want a Retest instead. Again, see using retests to go from build to build for more on what retests are if you're not familiar.

This shortcut joins a big collection of keyboard shortcuts that make editing and running scripts possible almost entirely from the keyboard. Look for the help popup on keyboard shortcuts in the menu in the top right of the script-editing view, or indeed, use the keyboard shortcut for the keyboard shortcut help popup ALT ?.

Bug fixes

Finally, we included some bug fixes in this release:

  • attempting to send test run emails to an assignee or guest would sometimes fail depending on the values of the test run header fields
  • more protection against weird and wonderful filenames in image attachments that caused the upload (or subsequent download) to fail. But top tip: please try to use simple file names for attachments; every part of the internet is much happier if you do
  • you can now have more than one markdown-style link in a test row
  • copy/pasting multiline text in a test row now repaints the edit box properly

Feedback (please!)

As ever, any questions, feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to email Testpad support.

As one customer said this week...

"I never realized how effective the feedback button was" :)

Green square with white check

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