Minor update - expand/collapse controls and more

Minor update - expand/collapse controls and more

Minor update - expand/collapse controls and more

Based on user feedback, Testpad introduces subtle outline controls for script navigation, additional visiting options, and performance improvements, particularly benefiting larger scripts and projects. Your input shapes our updates, so keep the feedback coming!


By Stef

March 19, 2012

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mall update to Testpad over the weekend, mainly in response to customer feedback... you don't get what you don't ask for! Keep that feedback rolling.

Outline Controls

There are now some subtle controls to expand/collapse the visible outline levels of the rows in a script. You get these controls on both the script editing page and the interactive version of reports. I say 'subtle' as you have to know they're there to spot them...

The options "expand all" and "close all" should be fairly self-evident. As too is opening only to a specified level. Perhaps less obvious is the expand option called "Interesting". This option will close everything and then only open branches that have "interesting" results, where "interesting" is defined as any non-pass result.

More "Visiting" Options

When running a test, Testpad will auto-advance to the next test according to the visiting mode. This release added two more useful modes: visiting everything not already passed, and visiting just results marked as queried.

Performance Enhancements

Lots of improvements behind the scenes aimed at making performance better and more consistent, with the most noticeable effect on big scripts and projects.

And that, with a few minor bug fixes, is that for this update. As ever, please keep the feedback coming.

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