Make your own backups

Make your own backups

Make your own backups

Now, Testpad offers an option for account owners to conveniently download all their data at once. In the new Backups tab within settings, you can access a ZIP file containing project folders with CSV files, making it easy to manage your data as needed. Your data remains secure with Testpad's robust backup infrastructure, ensuring peace of mind.


By Stef

May 9, 2012

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lthough the Testpad servers have got you covered with their hourly snapshots of the database, many customers have asked for ability to download all their data in one go, without having to export each project manually.

New settings tab: Backups

Well, today, Testpad got just such a feature. Account owners (i.e. you need some proper privileges for this one) can browse to the new Backups tab in the settings page, and from there download a ZIP of all the data held in the account.

The ZIP contains folders for each project, with each project containing CSV files per script. Account and project settings are also saved to "info.csv" files in the relevant folders.

The CSV files can be opened in say, MS Excel, or parsed by a script for use in another process.

Automated downloads

If you (or a friendly system administrator) would like to write a script to regularly download your whole account, then enable the "auto-login" link provided. This link includes an authentication token which allows the download without first having to log in.

All optional, of course

But if you don't feel the need, then rest assured Testpad is keeping your data very safe anyway. The database is replicated across multiple servers located in separate availability zones on Amazon's cloud infrastructure. Further, hourly snapshots are archived to Amazon's long term storage service, S3, and regularly tested for consistency.

Good luck with your testing. Any questions, please email me (stef@ontestpad.com)

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