0001 Your app…
0002 Works
0003 Never crashes
0004 Performs as advertised by the developer
0005 Is not marketed with features or content that it does not have
0006 Is complete, with finalised images and text, ready for distribution
0007 If a Lite Version, is not unusably restricted
0008 Does not have empty ad banners or display test advertisements
0009 Is not a duplicate of another app in the AppStore
0010 Does not resemble (too closely) any native apps
0011 Does not replicate (too closely) the functionality of a native app
0012 Does not depend on another app to install
0013 Has not been created from a commercialised template or app generation service
0014 Does not provide fake or trick content that is not advertised
0015 Remains responsive after long/excessive usage
0016 Has been tested for successful database migrations (if applicable)
0017 Does not expire (stop working) after a certain time or number of runs, including for Lite Versions
0018 Does not force the user to login using a third-party social media account (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc)
0019 Does not contain contain racist material, prolonged graphic violence, graphic sexual content or nudity
0020 Does not "accidentally" contain such material, e.g. explicit lyrics, unfiltered collections of books
0021 Does not ridicule well-known public figures, past or present
0022 Does not encourage consumption of illegal substances or excessive alcohol
0023 Does not encourage minors to consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes
0024 Does not make excessive use of iCloud storage
0025 Does not send personal or confidential information using push notifications
0026 Does not use push notifications for adverts, promotions or other marketing
0027 Does not use data from facial mapping tools for advertising or use-based data mining
0028 Does not suggest or require a restart of a device
0029 Does not present a license screen at launch, require license keys, or implement its own copy protection
0030 Does not include undocumented or hidden features that are inconsistent with the description
0031 Does not contain a scripting interpreter, plugin or other runtime that can execute downloaded content
0032 If displaying user generated content, includes means to flag offensive content, filter objectionable material, and block abusive users
0033 Does not make covert or non-obvious use of the camera or microphone
0034 Does not simulate a failure (e.g. crash or cracked screen)
0035 Does not re-purpose, alter the function of, or disable, the hardware buttons of a device (e.g. volume buttons)
0036 Does not alter the function of, or disable, other native user interface elements
0037 Does not use any unapproved hardware accessories
0038 Does not refer to hardware capabilities which don't exist on the users device
0039 Does not use continuous vibration
0040 Does not make use of any private APIs in the SDK
0041 Does not make use of any undocumented features in the SDK
0042 Conforms to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines
0043 // you should really use the document itself and check every section, the following are some common mistakes
0044 App looks well designed and of high quality
0045 Users can see primary content without zooming or scrolling horizontally
0046 Layout is easy to read
0047 Text is at least 11pt for legibility at typical viewing distances
0048 Text is displayed in colors of reasonable contrast
0049 Text does not overlap
0050 Controls have tappable areas of at least 44x44pt
0051 Images are not blurry or distorted
0052 UI elements are properly aligned
0053 Native button icons are consistent with their native actions
0054 Activity spinners do not spin indefinitely
0055 Buttons trigger on touch-up
0056 Screen layout can handle the double-height status bar (e.g. during phone call)
0057 App state is saved when stopping the app and restored on next start
0058 Landscape mode, if supported, looks well designed
0059 Warns the user when there is no network connectivity, if it needs a connection
0060 Functionality Specific
0061 If using ARKit, Camera APIs, Photo APIs or other facial mapping information: has a privacy policy in place
0062 Only uses APN API for push notifications
0063 Only uses LocalAuthentication to provide authentication by facial recognition
0064 Provides alternative to facial authentication for users under 13 years old
0065 Does not use ARKit or other facial recognition technology for authentication by facial recognition
0066 If using ARKit, provides a rich and integrated AR experience, not just a simplistic model view or animation playback
0067 Does not write fake or inaccurate data into HealthKit
0068 Does not trigger music playback via the Music API without user action
0069 Provides standard media controls such as play, pause, skip if exposing Music API
0070 If using MapKit, does not hide or obscure the Google logo
0071 If using the camera, does not disable the shutter sound
0072 If providing web browsing, uses iOS WekKit and WebKit Javascript
0073 If prompting for reviews, uses the SKStoreReviewController API
0074 Does not use Location APIs for dispatch, fleet management or emergency services
0075 If using Core Location (GPS), does so for a real user benefit, not just advertising or tracking
0076 If using Location data, explains exactly the data is needed and obtains user consent before collecting, using or transmitting
0077 Is using Background Location services, explains clearly why they are are needed
0078 If streaming audio over a cellular network, does not use more than 5MB over 5minutes
0079 If streaming video longer than 10minutes, only uses HTTP Live Streaming and does not exceed 192kbits
0080 Makes clear to the user when private data will be sent to a server, and provides an opt-out
0081 Only blocks phone numbers using CallKit or an SMS Fraud Extension that are confirmed as spam
0082 If encryption is used, you have registered with BIS and can provide documentation (or are confident in claiming an exemption)
0083 Purchasing
0084 Does not hardcode any price information inside the app
0085 If a Lite Version, does not display the price of the full version
0086 Supports in-app purchases initiated from the App Store (if applicable)
0087 Only uses in-app purchases for unlocking features or functionality
0088 Only uses in-app purchases for buying content
0089 Any credits (or in-game currency) must not expire, and must be restorable for in-app purchases that are restorable
0090 Does not charge user for push notification
0091 Does not enable gifting of in-app purchased content to others
0092 If using Apple Pay, provides user with all relevant information prior to sale
0093 App description, screenshots and previews clearly indicate features or content that require additional purchases
0094 Databases, Files and Storage
0095 Does not read or write data outside its container directories
0096 Uses the "do not back up" attribute for files that need to persist but should not be saved to iCloud
0097 Data that can be regenerated, or re-downloaded, is stored in /Library/Caches
0098 Stores temporary files in /tmp and deletes these on exit
0099 Only stores user-created content in /Documents and iCloud
0100 If primarily an iCloud file manager, your app provides additional functionality
0101 iPad specific
0102 Your app should work in all four orientations, but if only portrait or landscape, must support both ways up
0103 Your app doesn't nest popovers, i.e. selecting something on a popover should not display another popover
0104 Your app doesn't show more than one popover at a time
0105 Uses the relevant keyboard per input field (e.g. numbers for a phone number field)
0106 Deselects rows in table views after their selection causes another view to be displayed
0107 Kids Apps
0108 Include a privacy policy
0109 Does not include behavioral advertising
0110 Presents only adverts that are suitable for kids
0111 Is made specifically for under 5, or ages 6-8, or ages 9-11
0112 Submission package details
0113 The name of your app is unique
0114 The name of your app (in the binary package) matches (or is abbreviated version of) the iTunes name
0115 Name does not include the price
0116 Name does not include “Free” for free apps
0117 The Bundle Identifier is unique to the app
0118 Version number (bundle version number) is >= 1.0
0119 The app has not been submitted previously with a different Bundle Idenfitier
0120 Your app distribution is less than 4GB uncompressed
0121 For iOS9 and later, your app executable file is less than 500MB
0122 Your iTunes description accurately describes the functionality of the app, i.e. it works as advertised
0123 Your iTunes description does not contain the price
0124 Your iTunes description explains why it needs any permissions that will be asked for, and explains what will not work in the app if permissions are not granted
0125 Your iTunes description (and the binary) do not include the names of any competing platforms (e.g. Android)
0126 Your iTunes description does not mention unreleased iOS version numbers
0127 Your iTunes categories match the functionality of the app
0128 Your iTunes keywords match the functionality of the app
0129 Your iTunes keywords do not contain the names of other apps or other irrelevant phrases
0130 The screenshots do not include error states, including iAd errors
0131 Screenshots show your app in actual use, not just title art or login pages
0132 Screenshots and previews do not show personal information of a real person
0133 Preview content is licensed for use in the preview
0134 Contact information is complete and up-to-date on iTunes Connect
0135 Correctly declares access to unrestricted web content (likely if WebView is being used)
0136 Any easter eggs in the app are innocuous and are disclosed in the 'demo account' field
0137 App includes a 1024x1024 “marketing” icon in PNG format
0138 iPhone-only apps provide at least a 120px icon (and 57px for iOS 6.1 and earlier)
0139 iPad-only apps provide at least a 76px icon (and 72px for iOS 6.1 and earlier)
0140 Universal apps provide at least 120px and 76px icons (and 57px and 72px for iOS 6.1 and earlier)
0141 Watch apps provide icons of size 48, 55, 58, 80, 87, 88, 172 and 196
0142 The different sizes of icon all contain the same artwork
0143 The required-device-capabilities entry in the info.plist file match the requirements of the app
0144 Your app matches your claimed OS version compatibility
0145 NSZombieEnabled is set to NO
0146 App IP configured correctly (and signed) for
0147 iCloud enabled/disabled, with correct entitlements if enabled
0148 push notifications, with correct entitlements (for production) if enabled
0149 In App purchasing enabled/disabled
0150 Game Center enabled/disabled
0151 When updating
0152 Your iTunes "What's New" description accurately matches the changes to your app
0153 The updates to your app are real and detectable
0154 Version number is greater than the previous version number
0155 Miscellaneous
0156 Your app has a reasonably sized market, i.e. is not a tiny niche or for a private audience
0157 There are no greyed out buttons or features in your app to do with a future release
0158 Webpages loaded by your app, that are part of the app itself, are online and working
0159 Any associated email addresses exist and are working
0160 All (paid) app upgrades and other transactions use the App Store
0161 Your app conforms to any regulatory requirements, e.g. if medical in nature, or contains contests with prizes
0162 Your app is not an app store
0163 Your app is not a simple browser window onto a website
0164 Watch apps do more than tell the time
0165 Your app does not facilitate binary options trading
0166 Your app does not visualise activity data similar to the Activity Rings
0167 If relevant, official rules for sweepstakes and contests are presented in your app
0168 If relevant, your app makes it clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved with any sweepstakes, contests or their prizes
0169 If your app requires signing in, you have provided a test account
0170 Any references to Apple's products or apps are spelled correctly
0171 Copyright, trademark, ownership
0172 You can prove you own (or have permission to use) all the code in your app
0173 You can prove you own (or have permission to use) all the artwork in your app
0174 You can prove you have permission to use any brand names, names of public figures or other trademarked material
0175 e.g. Images and icons are not framed with a "polaroid" style (thicker at the bottom) border
0176 e.g. Images and icons do not include iPhones or other Apple products
0177 You can prove you own (or have permission to use) any videos, music or lyrics in your app
0178 If relevant, you can prove you have permission to download music or video from third party sources
0179 If relevant, you can prove you have permission to download music or video from third party sources
0180 If relevant, you can prove you have permission to download music or video from third party sources