A Fresh Look: New Website and New Faces

Updated branding at testpad.com

A Fresh Look: New Website and New Faces

Externally, Testpad just gave its website a fresh coat of paint. Internally, and more significantly, Testpad has been growing its team to better support the ever-growing customer base.


By Stef

November 19, 2023

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hanges are afoot at Testpad: one bold and dramatic on the outside, one subtle and significant on the inside. On the external front, as is hard to miss, we've just updated our website with a fresh coat of paint; a visual upgrade to reflect a modern tool for modern testing. Internally, and more importantly, we've been expanding our team over the past year, a move that will enable more regular updates and enhancements to the Testpad ecosystem.

A Fresh Face for testpad.com

Firstly, our marketing website has received a fresh, modern makeover. This update isn't about adding new features or functionality (yet!) – it's a visual refresh aimed at keeping our brand up-to-date. We've launched this on a new platform (the geeky keywords are eleventy.js and Netlify) which is going to enable us to further enrich our site with useful content. Watch this space for help docs, tutorials, and educational materials on pragmatic approaches to testing.

Fresh Faces at Testpad Inc

The more significant news, however, is in the expansion of the team.

Since 2010, I've built and run Testpad single-handedly – a testament to modern tools that this is even possible as a solo venture. However, as Testpad's popularity has grown (obviously a nice problem to have), it's become increasingly difficult to maintain a focus on product development amidst growing operational demands.

We're now serving over 10,000 customers across 70 countries, and have cumulatively recorded over 100 million test results!

So, starting in 2022, we embarked on an exciting new chapter at Testpad by expanding the team. We now have 7 awesome people, some full-time, some part-time, but all fully remote and located across the globe, from Argentina to Malaysia.

The Fresh Future

With this recent expansion, we're now set to sail through previous bottlenecks (a.k.a me!) – crucial for accelerating the roll-out of new features, including the rather-overdue API.

We're also using our bigger team to improve our security stance. Or rather, we've always operated very securely, but want now to invest in gaining certification to prove it! We've therefore recently engaged Vanta as our security partners and are working towards SOC2/ii certification in 2024. Meanwhile, we've just completed (and passed) our latest annual Pen Test – certificates available on request.

Essentially, this internal growth sets the stage for more consistent and regular updates across all domains of the business. Our focus remains on coming up with efficient and pragmatic solutions to testing, especially in the rather process-heavy world of QA.

As ever, any questions or suggestions, please email support@testpad.com and we'll be happy to help.

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