Insights, thoughts &
announcements from Testpad

Testpad Tips - use the Retest feature to go from build to build


Testpad Tips - use Retesting to go from build to build

Don't acrue more and more test run columns with 'new test run'... instead, make use of the 'retest' feature, specifically for retesting new builds within the same release cycle.

New Release: Testpad 4


New Release: Testpad 4

Announcing the biggest update to the Testpad UI to the Testpad since its founding in 2011. The re-design keeps most functionality exactly the same, but offers a sleeker, more user-friendly experience.

Writing BDD Test Scenarios with Gherkin Syntax


Writing BDD Test Scenarios with Gherkin Syntax

Testpad has built-in support for syntax-highlighting your test plans if they use the Gherkin Given/When/Then style.

Reordering Test Run Columns


Reordering Test Run Columns

New feature – reorder test run columns with a simple keyboard shortcut.

Improved Filter Controls


Improved Filter Controls and more

Test Runs now support logical OR and AND operators for improved filtering of which tests to include (or exclude) from your test plans.

Growing Customer Base means Bigger Servers


Growing Customer Base means Bigger Servers

With a big increase in the number of customers on Testpad this Spring, we've upgraded our servers over the weekend. This engineering-focused post talks about how we did this with zero downtime.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Even Faster Testing


Keyboard Shortcuts for Even Faster Testing

Experience faster test result recording with Testpad's new keyboard shortcuts; during testing: press 'p' for pass, 'f' for fail, 'b' for blocked, 'q' for query, or 'x' for exclude. And bonus: hit spacebar for a pass as the quickest way to hammer through your testing.

Copy/Paste Between Testpad Scripts


Copy/Paste Between Testpad Scripts

To help you refactor your test scripts, we now support copy/paste between scripts... as in... between tabs in the same browser, or from page load to page load.

Bug tracking - multiple issues per result


Bug tracking - multiple issues per result

You can now record multiple bug numbers against a single result. The grid of results might run out of space for all your bugs, but look to the report where we have room to list them all out.

Upgrade to Printable Test Reports


Upgrade to Printable Test Reports

Testpad's printable (snapshot) reports have been upgraded to include a list of all test comments below the summary grid. Easily document and print issues for any result type directly from Testpad.

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