Insights, thoughts &
announcements from Testpad

A person at a computer using test case on Testpad


What is a Test Case? A simple perspective

Don’t over complicate your test cases by getting caught up in the terminology. Test cases can be simple and easy to use structures to use in your testing strategy when done with a pragmatic approach.

image of a women using post-it-notes on a window to create a plan


How to write your first Test Plan

You know user testing is essential, but as you dive into the research on how to write a test plan, it feels overwhelming—too formal, too complicated, and filled with more considerations than you know what to do with. What if we told you it doesn’t have to be that hard?

image of a mechanic making checks to a car as a metaphor for manual regression checks


The surprising benefits of Manual Regression Testing

Regression testing is a useful part of the software development process. It helps to make sure your software stays stable as you upgrade pieces of code, preventing yesterday's bugs from sneaking back into tomorrow's releases.

Image of a foot testing the temperature of pool water


Don’t overlook sanity testing in your development process

Sanity testing doesn't have to be overwhelming— a quick check to make sure the basics are working before diving into more complex testing can give you confidence in the state of your product. It can also save you time and money when done right.

image of a mind map on top of an image of a table.


Mind Maps for Test Planning in Testpad

Creating a test plan from scratch can be overwhelming. Without a clear structure, you risk missing important scenarios or leaving gaps in your testing. Mind maps offer a simple, effective way to visualize and organize your test planning, ensuring thorough coverage.

Exploratory testing… the best kind of (manual) testing


Why exploratory testing should be part of your QA strategy

Exploratory testing is essential to uncovering hidden issues and improving the quality of real-world usage. Adapting a pragmatic approach enhances efficiency and repeatability without relying on automation.

handwritten test script


Test Scripts - don’t make them so hard

Writing test scripts can be straightforward, but the industry's jargon can make it seem overwhelming. Learn what test scripts are, why they're important, and how to start writing them.

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Test Case Management: Classic Tools vs. Modern Solutions

Traditional test case management tools can be unnecessarily complicated, but what if there’s a simpler, more effective solution? Agile tools offer a more streamlined, pragmatic approach, allowing teams to focus on efficient testing rather than getting bogged down by complex systems - but what is the difference?

Don't Only Automate Your Testing


Don't Only Automate Your Testing

Is automated testing always the best way to test your software? The cost-benefit doesn't always stack up, and manual testing can be cheaper and faster than you think.

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A Fresh Look: New Website and New Faces

Externally, Testpad just gave its website a fresh coat of paint. Internally, and more significantly, Testpad has been growing its team to better support the ever-growing customer base.

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