Insights, thoughts &
announcements from Testpad

People sat at a desk with a headset on.


Setting Up For Outsourced Testing

So, you’ve decided to outsource your testing. Smart move - outsourcing can give you access to specialized skills and extra hands when you need them most. But now what? Here’s how to set your testers up to get the most out of your testing.

person at a desk hiding under a blanket


Stop hiding your test results in graphs and charts

Don’t overcomplicate reporting test results. While it might seem simple to present metrics and statistics in charts and graphs, they don’t actually tell you what you really need to know about what’s working and what isn’t.

Small child walking across colourful tires


Pragmatic testing: The practical approach to software testing

Software testing is about discovery. It involves exploring software to understand its quality and giving stakeholders the information they need to make better decisions. But testing can veer off course.

Group of people at an office table


Outsourced testing: Understanding your options

Outsourced testing can be a strategic solution for accelerating software releases. But what options are at your disposal? And what challenges should you be ready to face if you decide to delegate?

Image of a toy solar system.


What is system testing and why do you need it?

System testing plays a crucial role in software development, serving as your final check to ensure all parts of your software work together smoothly. While it might seem overwhelming at first, the process can be surprisingly straightforward with the right approach.

Image of a chalk board with lots of complicated drawings and plans


Don't Over Plan Your Testing

Over planning is a common trap for testing teams. They get caught up building elaborate frameworks for test planning leaving obvious issues the chance to slip through to production – there is an easier way.

image of a person holding an ipad over a robot undertaking tests


Best QA Testing Tools

QA testing tools can be a minefield. There are so many things to test – and so many different tools out there! Don’t let it stress you out. We’re here to break it down, with our guide to the different types of QA tools, as well as insights on the best ones to use.

Women at computer screen with headphones on


What is software testing?

Software testing isn’t about formalized test cases or fancy burndown charts. It’s not even a quality assurance mechanism. So, what is it? Why does it matter? And how hard can it be?

Child on a bike being taught by a parent.


How to Get Started With Manual Testing

The simple yet effective approach to testing that can transform your development process, helping you deliver more reliable software through human insight and real-world usage scenarios.

Man at table looking at laptop


Excel alternatives for Test Management

Spreadsheets are often where teams start their testing. It's a great option that most people already know how to use, but can quickly become something your team outgrows. It might be that you're ready for an upgrade, but with so many tools on the market, where do you start?

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